dear God // 2021

dear God,

i don’t understand why flowers wilt after they bloom.

but i do know that when the oceans rise, You dance barefoot in the rain with me. and i hear the whisper of Your love in the echo of thunder and the crashing of waves. 

i don’t understand why i’m called to love, and why hearts are mended just to be broken again. but with the changing of seasons, You’ve shown me how much i am fully known and deeply loved. and God, that is enough for me. the more i empty myself, the more You fill me up. o taste and see that the Lord is good.

Lord, meet me where i am. teach me how to love like You do – to love without expecting to be loved. 

thank You for the precious lives i knowingly and unknowingly said goodbye to. when my hands are the last ones a person holds on this side of eternity, Lord let them see You in me. You have taught me that life is so fragile and such a beautiful gift – teach me how to live each breath for Your glory.

hey God, i’m excited for this new year. for where You have called me, is where i will go. give me an outpouring of Your fresh manna every single day. teach me how to fight on my knees – my hallelujah is my battle cry.

thank You for overwhelming joy, unwavering hope, and indescribable peace. You alone are my hiding place. 

i love You.


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